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  • What is the difference between a search engine and a directory?

    Plainly speaking, a search engine features results that were gathered in an automatic fashion. A directory only contains results that have been reviewed by a human being.

    Search engines:

    • have “spiders” that automatically crawl the web looking for content
    • will index pages and sites by automatically following links from other sites
    • pages indexed are not typically reviewed before being included in search results


    • have a staff of editors responsible for the content of the directory
    • review each page or site submitted to determine content and relevancy
    • may edit the description of the site displayed in the search results.
  • Why can’t my Webmaster, ISP, Marketing Team, or cousin Lou just submit my site to the top engines and directories and then forget it? I see it advertised sometimes for just $19.95.

    They could. But, does a website with no visitors generate revenue? Does a website with 500 visitors per day generate more revenue than a website with 50 visitors a month? Competition for search result listings on the first page of AOL, Yahoo, and MSN is intense. Submissions to the directories must follow strict guidelines while including precise keywords that will lead to traffic for your site. We have the tools to identify the best words to use. We have the experience to get your site listed right. You only get one shot, and you don’t want it to backfire.

  • Will your search engine optimization change the look of my current site?

    Generally not. In some instances, we will suggest changes to your site to get better rankings, but in most cases these changes are not noticeable by visitors to the site. The optimized pages we create for you will be generated using the look and feel of your site as it currently exists; logos, fonts, color schemes, and copy.

  • Do you guarantee results?

    Directory submissions to Yahoo, ODP, and Looksmart are edited by real people. Almost all the time, a good site will get accepted into the directory. Part of the submission process is “suggesting” a category, a title and a description. The keywords used in the title and description are the basis for matching your listing to search queries by web users. We select these keywords and make the submission very carefully. In the end, however, the human editor decides what category, what title, and what description will be entered into the database. We guarantee a terrific submission which will usually lead to an optimal listing.

    Creating individual pages that will rank in the top 20 search engine results for keywords relevant to your site on Yahoo, AOL, and MSN is guaranteed.

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Why is position important?

Search engine traffic is the #1 referrer of new online customers. In fact, 55% percent of all internet purchases start with a customer clicking on a search listing. Only 9% of customers start by clicking a banner ad.